The Facebook Twitter Application

The Facebook Twitter application allows your Facebook status to appear on Twitter, plus, if you so choose, for your Tweets to appear on your Facebook page.

The application was created by Twitter on the Facebook application platform. To find it simply log in to your Facebook page and using the search box, search for the term, "Twitter." Make certain to select the "Search Facebook" option, and not the "Search Web" option. This will return the official Twitter application as its primary search result. Clicking on this application will direct you to Twitter's Facebook page. On the upper right-hand corner, you will find a button which reads, "Go to Application." Clicking on that button will redirect you to a verification screen where you must verify that you allow Twitter access to your Facebook profile information. Afterwards, it will prompt you for your Twitter username and password. This will activate the Twitter application on Facebook.

At this stage you may also select the "Allow Twitter to Update Your Facebook Status" button which appears on the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will allow your Twitter posts to be reflected on an ongoing basis as updates to your Facebook status. This function may be turned on or off whenever you so choose. offers service for social networks.

Facebook Application Development

Applications for the Facebook platform, such as the Twitter application, were made possible by Facebook's free developers API called Facebook Developers. This was launched in August of 2006 and gave access to the Facebook platform to developers and programmers for the purpose of creating widgets, mashups, and tools for use on Facebook.

These applications' primary page views originate from what is termed as a canvas page, which is an iframe hosted by Facebook on its own servers. Besides the Twitter application, there are currently more than 550,000 active applications on the Facebook platform.

Many people have both a Twitter and Facebook presence. In this video, a brief guide on how to install the Facebook Twitter application is presented. you will be able to observe how the application is activated and then put to the test to update your Facebook page status via Twitter and for Your Facebook status to be reflected on Twitter as a Tweet.

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